Find Your Creative Flow |

Find Your Creative Flow

Find Your Creative Flow by Jason Silva


What is creative flow?

Is it a state of mind that we enter when we let go of the realistic limitations that keep us from transforming what we see around us vs. what we think?

Or is it the phase we go through when we are busy blurring the line between those two worlds? The one that we see, and the one that we imagine?

Can creativity reach an optimal state in segments or is it necessary for an artist to surrender to the creative flow?

This video makes us consider the idea of the creative norm, the creative mind and the creative soul, that build up to Jason Silva’s contemplation on The Creative Flow.

Here are some of the key quotes on creative flow that waltz in our minds even after Jason’s last full-stop:

“…remix the present to see into the adjacent possible…”
“…a map of all the ways in which the precent can reinvent itself.”
“…the part of the brain responsible for self-editing literally goes dim…”

Also, a couple cool artsy words that strike out-

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So, how would you define your creative flow? Do you get your inspirational push from the busy colors of the city scape or from the natural vibe that a place remote from the city provides? Are you most alive in solitude or amongst the creative energy of other artists?

If the combination of a getaway from the city and a creative-interactive aura sounds like your kind of vibe, Starry Night Residency may just be your cup of tea! Want more info? Here it is!