Spring Cleaning to Unlock Your Creative Power |

Spring Cleaning to Unlock Your Creative Power

Spring is Approaching! I know I’m happy about it…

But what does that mean? It means it’s time to do some spring cleaning!

Your art studio is your creative haven- the place where the magic happens- and it should be clean and organized allowing you to flourish with creativity. You don’t want your studio to look like this, do you?


Of course not.

If you’re just starting out and don’t have the space to create an at-home art studio, then attending an artist residency program could provide you with the space you need to tap into your artistic abilities.

Artist residencies provide the art space and atmosphere that will help you learn new techniques and give you a whole new perspective on your artistic capabilities. Every artist should at one point take advantage of a residency. Working with fellow artists will allow you to grow and it will teach you how to keep a functional studio space. Below are some tips that artist residencies use and that you can use while spring cleaning your studio this season.

Throw It Out

Throw away old paintbrushes or or anything that looks like it’s been through hell and back. Not all paint and solvents may be safe to throw away. Check with your local trash


company or go to Earth911.com to find the nearest recycling center nearest you.

Recycle It

Ever created a work of art out of your old material? Get crafty and create a new piece of work using your old items.

Donate It

Art materials can get expensive, so why not donate your gently used art supply? There are so many ways your donations can be put to good use. Donate your old art supply to schools, groups, or your local community center.

Sell It

Why not make some extra cash and sell your old art supply? There are many websites online where you can sell your old art supply. After you sell your old Items you can buy that paint set that you’ve been dreaming of.

Organize it

Organizing your art studio will help you with your work flow and increase your natural creativity. There are tons of ways you can organize your art studio. One way is to organize everything by the date it was created. Or you can group them by color or theme. Look at these amazingly organized supplies:

artstorageThat’s what I’m talkin’ about!

Using all of these tips will help you keep the perfect art studio so you can continue creating your wonderful masterpieces.

Oh! If you’re convinced, apply for a residency at Starry Night here.