The Roots & Wings of our Starry Night Exposure Program |

The Roots & Wings of our Starry Night Exposure Program

Here’s a little video to shine some light on the efforts of the Executive Director of Starry Night Exposure Program, Monika Proffitt.

Paving a New Path: The Starry Night Exposure Program from Starry Night Programs on Vimeo.


She speaks about one of her curious visits to Art Basel Miami, in December 2012, and wonders,

“Why I didn’t see myself there? Or examples of other emerging artists like myself?”

…which led her to realizing,

“I quickly saw that I didn’t see myself there.”

She pushed her curiosity a bit further,

“What are the real barriers?”

And once the answers filtered, she took action & reached to the SELECT fair organizers:

“You’re going to have to trust me. Can we work together to curate a really great room?”

And the answer to that question,

“They said YES.”

…which brings us here now!

To the roots & wings of our Starry Night Exposure Program!