5 Tips On Progressing as an Emerging Artist |

5 Tips On Progressing as an Emerging Artist

If you were to Google the definition of progress, the majority of the definitions would say it was a “forward or onward movement towards a destination.” “Onward movement” being the key words there. So, as a creative, what paths can you take to propel you forward?

We believe that progress is constant, but as emerging artists, we have to be sure and take the right steps down the path to success. As many successful names have stated it before, the moment you reach success, progress has stopped. According to me, success is indefinite, and progress can be defined by how much of youyou are willing to put in.

We’ve gathered some clues over the years, and we’d like to share with you now 5 tips on how to progress as a creative. Take these tips, make them your own, and proceed into the world fearlessly.

1. Take Opportunities 


“If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes- then learn how to do it later.” -Richard Branson

Take as many as there are. Seriously, every single one of them. Sometimes you’ll have to work for them, and sometimes if your intuition is switched on, they’ll come knocking your way. A golden fact is that there’s always someone coining creative methods for recognition for emerging artists, along with growth for other artists. One such method is Starry Night’s new project, “Artists To Look Out For“, an absolutely FREE opportunity for emerging artists to be included in an annual catalogue for recognition. Take this opportunity to be designated as an “Artist to look out for” in 2014.

Just by reading this list of clues to progress, you are already taking an opportunity. Similarly, if you continue heeding to them, you’ll be able to turn your forward steps into leaps!

2. Get a mentor


It’s said that experience is the best teacher, but when you’re looking to progress, add a dash of impatience to it, with sprinkles of ambition, what then? That’s when seeking a mentor acts as the bird that accidentally flew into your window &  woke you up as you were about to fall asleep! A mentor doesn’t have to be someone that you personally know/ knew; a mentor is someone you genuinely can look up to. A friend of mine once told me that he would Wikipedia his idols when they were at his age. He wanted their achievements to inspire him to push himself further at his age. Currently, Jean-Michel Basquiat & Pablo Picasso would be mine. Jean-Michel for his comparative – complimentary – oxymoronic themes, & Picasso for thinking outside the box while giving birth to cubism! That’s the beauty of mentors, they leave trails for us to learn from. Not just bread crumbs for us to pick up, but actual trails that we can ride on.

3. Self-promote & Network, Network, Network


Beyond your talent, your skill, and all of the things about you that propel you forward, the fact is that you need to know people, and people need to know you. I can say, from experience, that most people love helping others succeed. It never hurts to modestly talk about your work, your dreams, your inner most desires; because, chances are someone will be inspired and want to help you. The beautiful cycle works like this: you receive help from others until you are one day able to turn around and do the same. Everyone has been helped by someone along the way.

It never hurt an artist to self promote. Take Banksy for example. Although he may promote in a more controversial than an intentional manner, he gets noticed. People know who he is, because he put his work out there for people to see. People may label him a showoff or admire his rebelliousness- the point being, self-promotion along with networking will only result in your favor. These outputs from you act as inputs for forming new opportunities, and as you learned above, opportunities are key.

4. Be Open-minded


“Don’t be afraid to be open-minded. You’re brain isn’t going to fall out.”

Being open-minded is a key that opens many locks. It’s something that doesn’t require much explanation nor persuasion, since it helps nurture opportunities, build connections & pushes you to take chances. Having an open mind doesn’t mean you have to accept everything, or try everything. It means you allow yourself to be receptive to new ideas, you allow yourself to be quick on your toes.

A wise man once told me that to make it in this world, you must be nimble. You must adapt to the ever-changing ways of the world, because whether you like it or not, things change, and they change fast.


5. Self-Reflect, Often


Consider each idea in your mind as an individual finger print. Each one has something different about it. The more you reflect on your past ideas-experiences-mistakes-lessons-influences, the more fresh ideas you will generate. Self-reflections allow us to throw away useless, space-occupying thoughts, resulting in more room for us to think. As an emerging artist, giving yourself room for thought will definitely help with implementing all of the tips you just read about.

You have to know why you’re doing what you do, and only self-reflection will give you that answer.

All in all, to progress towards success for an emerging artist, all these tips boil down to taking initiative. As long as you are willing to take initiative to get what you want, you’re headed in the right direction. I mean, with all these tips & ideas for you to progress, who has time for excuses, right?