What Your Path to Success is Missing |

What Your Path to Success is Missing

What are the steps to success? Everybody knows them, they’re so simple:

Goal 1 —> Goal 2 —> Goal 3 —> Success!

But, how do you know which goals to make? How do you know when you’ve actually reached success?

Here’s the answer: you DON’T. Unless you define it.

The goals we set are investments. They are quality bits of our time and effort that slowly, but ultimately, build up to that “ahh” moment: success. Would you make an investment into something you know nothing about? Similarly, to invest properly in your own success, you must know what it is and which investments to make.


Theoretically, success is an idea that we work towards, since we haven’t actually seen, nor experienced it. Thus, in order to find our way towards in intangible idea, one of the things we can evolve is our goals. We must adjust each goal in accordance with our idea of success, just like we would adjust the sails of a boat when the winds decide to blow unfavorably.


However, as a start, in order to define your goals, you need to know which kinds of goals are good, and which kinds of goals will help you along your path the best. Take this perspective by Bud Bilanich, whose ideas are intertwined  in this letter from Success, to Goals:

“Dear Goals, You need to be self confident. And in order for you to do so, you need to understand and be able to do these three things:  1) Become an optimist.  2) Face your fears and act.  3) Surround yourself with positive people. One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself is to talk healthy to yourself. That’s setting all your negative notions on the keys Alt, Ctrl, Delete, and then pressing them all together. Goals, if you want to be me, you need to be able and willing to alter to become the best version of yourself. Then, you need to improve yourself first in order to improve how you see/ make of what’s around you. Face your fears by acting upon them. Yes, it will take practice, and yes, you may fail here-and-then. But, don’t ever let fear be an excuse that keeps you from growing up. And Lastly, let the people that ignite your fire, inspire you. Surround yourself with people that believe in you, that are common minded, and that are willing to understand your vision, even if they may not be able to see it. Just work towards being the best version of yourself. Change yourself, and let yourself space and time to grow. I know you can, because I’ve seen you grow into me. Love, Success.

-Ideas from Self Confidence and the Power of Positive Thinking


Given that backdrop, here’s what you need to do right now. Grab a pen and paper:

1. Write 3 definitions of success for YOU

2. Pick the best one, or the most attainable

3. Think about it

4. Write your “success” phrase at the top of the paper and draw a vertical line underneath it

5. Start by writing 3 goals that you can accomplish within the next 2 weeks that will directly lead you to the attainment of your success

Now you have written, solid, proof of the path you’re on.

You see, even if you stray slightly from your goals, or later on realize that one of those goals was unnecessary, you have defined your success and you have a plan. Without a plan, you are wandering aimlessly through a forest of dead ends and fallen branches.

All in all, defining, believing & acting towards your goals is what success is mostly about. Being able to recognize your goals is as important as being able to recognize what success is for you.