Creativity is Madness!!! |

Creativity is Madness!!!

You start with an unspoken idea, a blank canvas and some tools to help you shape that idea. You start with the contours or you dive right in & then you take a step back. No. Not good enough. You dive in again, and you start building a momentum, a rhythmic dance almost. Your hands must capture your thoughts just right!

If you can relate to that scenario on any dimension, you know that the constant in-and-out flow that motivates us to personify our ideas can be exhausting. Not exhausting in a tedious manner, but exhausting in the “I know I’ll capture it, but if I give up now, I’ll only lose the idea” kind of manner. It’s nut-cracking- yet, we do it. The adrenaline rush we feel in the end, somehow, makes it all worth it.

So that’s one spectrum we looked at through this video- the artist, the motivator within us that refuses to let go. 

In this video, Silva accentuates the difference between the artist and the madman. How the artist takes the similarity between the two and instead of losing his mind, comes back with a master piece.

Creativity is Madness. Jason Silva explores the idea of the excitement of diving into the unknown for the pure purpose of creating.

“In order to use one’s head, one has to go out of his mind” -Timothy Leary

So, is an artist mad for creating something so personal and putting it out there for the various minds to soak in her experience? One of the points that Silva fittingly puts together is that although both the artist and the madman start by going out of their mind, the artist manages to come back with a cloak around his neck colored in creativity. The artist is able to sew together all the pieces throughout his experiences, and transform them into something relative; something beautiful.  

That’s the artist we look for and encourage to grow at our residency. If you are looking for the time and place away from wherever you are to let your creativity go loose, you’re welcome to know more about this door: Read about the Starry Night Residency.