Sense of Inspiration: MUSIC |

Sense of Inspiration: MUSIC

You know those times when you’re trying to push a heavy box around and find yourself stuck and you can’t figure out why? Only after pushing and shoving you realize that after lifting the box a little, you’re able to readjust it, and keep on pushing?

Yes- well, inspiration is a lot like that. It’s not a talent, you’re not born with it, and ideas don’t just magically happen. No matter how much you push, there are always those moments when you could use a harder push or on the contrary, a little break.

Music helps with both of those. With the push and shove, but also as a catalyst. Music is like water to the ideas you seeded a while back and forgot about.

Here’s a playlist of songs that I’d like to share with you! Hopefully they’ll give you the same inspirational push that they give me!


1. Talk is Cheap / Chet Faker


2. Brutal Hearts / Bedouin Soundclash ft. Couer de Pirate


3. Gooey / Glass Animals (Wild Culture Remix)


4. 1998 / Chet Faker


5. Follow /  Tom & Laura Misch

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